Education in Indonesia

Senin, 11 Januari 2010.

BOS - Knowledge Improvement through Transparency and Accountability (BOS-KITA)
The BOS (Bantuan Operasional Sekolah or School Operational Assistance) program has been disbursing block grants to schools across the country on a per student basis since 2005. BOS is part of the Government’s effort to provide quality education to students of all income

The World Bank is supporting the BOS program through BOS KITA (School Operational Assistance – Knowledge Improvement for Transparency and Accountability), a project which aims to improve access to quality education for all children aged 7 to 15 by working to strengthen school committees, increase community participation, improve fiduciary arrangements for greater transparency and accountability of the BOS program to consequently better utilize current BOS’ fund.

The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is providing an additional US$ 20 million (approximately 200 billion Rupiah) support that aims to help the Ministry of National Education to maximize the effectiveness of the BOS Program. It will be used to strengthen a number of activities: monitoring, evaluations and complaint handling; social marketing and information campaign; as well as strengthening existing BOS teams at school level, and the work of parents and school committees.


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